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Let's Hit the Road!

Welcome to the Publicity Power Trip, the ultimate traveling luxury mastermind and press tour experience for "A-list Entrepreneurs" aiming to engage with the media and garner publicity through TV interviews, magazine features, radio appearances, major blog spotlights, and celebrity endorsements. Join us to elevate your brand recognition and expand your audience reach across new markets.

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About Media Circus Publicity Power Trips

Publicity Power Trips are typically 2-4 day overnight events that start at $2,500 and are carefully designed to provide a celebrity-worthy and personalized experience for our select group of 6-12 attendees. This intimate number ensures that our media guests have ample time to get to know you and your business, and provide personalized feedback on your story ideas, pitches, and publicity goals.

​To ensure we can provide the best possible experience, we ask that you complete a detailed questionnaire prior to the event if you are selected to attend. This allows Taiisha to thoroughly examine your business and tailor recommendations to your specific needs.

​Our masterminds are held in the top 100 media markets across the US, including vibrant cities in major media markets. Join us on a Publicity Power Trip and meet the press and introduce your brand to new markets!

Event Interest 

Please complete the questionnaire so we can determine if our events are a good fit for your brand and can help you reach your goals.

Comfort Level with Interviewing
Very UncomfortableUncomfortableNeutralComfortableVery Comfortable
Which of our products or services have you utilized?
Which events are you intersted in? You will receive info & pricing for the events you express interest in.

Thanks for submitting!

Have Suggestions?

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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